Lumbering Elephants

Started out as a compliment to my researching early WWI airplanes. Landships they were supposed to be called. Tank became the word though. To be able to communicate about the project, the British powers feigned to call them "Water Tanks" to throw off spies. When they reached the field, the name Tank stuck and thus it has been since.

These first pair are done at their 1/72 designed size. Shown with a 1/87 equivalent piece for size comparison.

German Armor 1/72 left, 1/87 right.

There is a noticeable difference between the two scales. 1/72 to 1/87 doesn't sound like a whole lot but it is. Plastic kits all seem to use 1/72 as the armor size which is why I turned to using paper. I can download the file in 1/72 and using my printers print dialog box, reduce it to 1/87 with relative ease. These two are the same file. The 1/72 tank is printed on standard card stock while the 1/87 is printed on photo paper. Once again a big difference.

British style Tanks
1/87 left, 1/72 right

The remainder are reduced to match my 1/87 model trains.

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